28. syyskuuta 2011

Flames to dust, lovers to friends

"You tell me that you need me
Then you go and cut me down, but wait
You tell me that you're sorry
Didn't think I'd turn around and say

That it's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late
Too late, oh "
- One Republic: Apologize -

"The moment of that kiss 
contained every happy moment 
I had ever lived."
- Paulo Coelho-

The feeling when you bump into someone who 
makes you think of something you don't want to think about... 
Oh, the confusion is perfect :-)

Anyways, I should be reading history for Friday's exam but lost all my motivation. Since my motivation is lost, I could tell you that I got a time to the hairdresser tomorrow since I don't have an exam tomorrow. Yay, hope I won't hate the new hair.

ps. pientä hymynpoikasta, ku multa kysyttiin joko oon äänestäny käräjien vaaleissa.

7 kommenttia:

  1. distancing oneself from anyone on purpose is not really a wise thing to do, you know, if that someone really is important to you... luulisin. ._.

  2. Sometimes it's the best thing to do. You know, if it only causes trouble or bad feelings?

  3. Well, in case it does. I went to the dentist the other day to get my aching tooth fixed. I hated it, was scared and it hurt like hell, but I kept being calm and patient. Now my tooth is not sore anymore and my headache is gone. For an important person I would go through the trouble over and over again. If there is no one to suffer for, nothing to wait for, then tell me the reason why I exist on this planet? höh :(

  4. Tosi kiva blogi sulla! :) saako muuten saamelaiskäräjävaaleissa äänestää alle 18v. ? Oon ihan kateellinen sulle kun osaat puhua saamea, ite vasta just alotin opiskelun..

  5. Hii jee kiva että pää kaikinpuolin kunnosa :) Heheh, good questions ;)

    Eihän niissä alle 18-vuotiaat saa äänestää, ja kun sen 18 vuotta on täyttänyt, niin vaalivuonna pitäisi hakeutua käräjien vaaliluetteloon ennen kuin voi äänestää. Siksi mulla vähän hymyilyttikin, kun multa kysyttiin, joko olet äänestäny :D
    Kiitos ja opiskeluintoa sulle saameen, toivottavasti sitä intoa riittäis ihan loppuun saakka! :)

  6. Pää kunnossa on. :) Yesterday I was really sad. Today I try to find the light inside. Thank you for having the conversation - I would thank you in person, if it was possible. Elämä kantaa... <3

  7. Heheh if I only knew who you are x) and I'm sure you'll find the light!

